
The branch of JSC "MOESK" Eastern Electric Grids holds operational work on grid connection of privileged consumers in settlements of the Noginsk and Kolomna districts. Land plots were given to inhabitants of the districts under federal and regional laws. 

047.jpgEnergy specialists installed a new step-down transformer of 250 kVA in capacity and build overhead lines (OL) of 0.4 kV to supply power to 77 plots (10 acres each) in the village Mamontovo in the Noginsk district. Currently, 40 applicants are working within the boundaries of their plots. The actual supply of voltage will be implemented in the near future. 

The village Sledovo of Mamontovskoye rural settlement, 26 large families will become land owners. The specialists of the Eastern branch of MOESK will install a transformer of 160 kVA and lay OL 0.4 kV for their subsequent electrification. 

wo sites near the village Semenovskoe, designed for 60 plots each, are defined in the Kolomna District of the Moscow Area for the same purposes. Energy specialists complete construction and installation works in respect of installation of package transformer substation, poles and wires for OL 0.4 kV at one of the sites in accordance with the design documentation. To date, 18 contracts for grid connection have already been signed with future settlers. 

The investment program of EEG in 2013 provides for RUR 15 million 927 thousand 603 for the work related with grid connection to electric networks of MOESK for the sites allocated to large families in eastern and south-eastern Mosco Area, in order to ensure the total transformer capacity of 1,050 kVA. 

According to the head of the grid connection administration of the eastern branch of JSC "MOESK" Oleg Suvorov, the procedures of grid connection of privileged categories of consumers is given priority. Compliance with contract-stipulated deadlines and quality of projects are controlled specially.