
Moscow United Electric Grid Company is carrying out the planned technical examination (TE) of the electrical installations. In year 2013 the branch of the Company – Moscow Cable Grids (MCG) plans to carry out TE of 836 electric grid facilities. For the first half year of the current year the program fulfillment has amounted to 463 pcs. – 100% from the plan.

All the electrical installations operated for a longer period of time than the service life, established by the normative and technical documentation, are subject to examination. In MCG this term amounts to 25 years. The branch carries out TE of the electrical equipment of the substations, as well as that of the cable and overhead lines, connected to this substation.

“Arrangements held pursue two goals. First of all, following the results of TE we take a decision about a possibility of a subsequent operation of the facilities, – explained Director of Moscow Cable Grids Roman Voynov. – And secondly, they help to reveal certain drawbacks, the timely elimination whereof provides a reliable functioning of the electric grid equipment and creates safe labor conditions for the personnel”.

TE of the electrical installations is carried out in MCG since year 2004 according to clause 1.5.2 of the Technical Operation Rules of the electrical stations and grids of the Russian Federation. Methods, terms, procedure of TE carrying out, as well as the membership of the commission are determined by an administrative document in the branch.