
On 12.08.2013 the Customer Service Center (CSC) of JSC “MOESK” concluded the first contract with the customer, who had filed an electronic application for the technological connection using the webpage of the Company. It was Oksana Doguzova, who had concluded the contract for the technological connection of a weekend cottage in Solnechnogorsk region.

Less than a month age, on the 15th of July of the current year, service Acceptance of an “electronic” application started working on the Internet Portal of JSC “MOESK” for the technological connection.

Customers, the connected capacity thereof doesn’t exceed 150 kW, may file an electronic application for the technological connection, having filled in a form offered on the Internet Portal and having attached the copies of the necessary documents. This service has been realized for convenience and saving time of the customers, as well as for the load reduction on the Customer Service Centers, indeed now it’s necessary for an applicant to attend a customer office of the Company just once, in order to file an application for the technological connection according to the requirements of the current laws, to get and conclude a technological connection contract.

As Oksana Doguzova told, she was worried about the fact that the connection to the electric grids of the weekend cottage to the electric grids — had been a long and expensive process. But on the 16th of July Oksana Anatol’yevna learnt about a new service launch on the Internet Portal for the technological connection of Moscow United Electric Grid Company. Having filled in the entire necessary field in an applicant’s form, on the 17th of July she sent an “online-application”, and already on the 12th of August she got a technological connection contract of the weekend cottage to the electric grids of JSC “MOESK”.

“Visit to the office of MOESK took no more than an hour, since the draft contract had been sent preliminary to me via email for familiarization, — Oksana Doguzova told. — It’s especially pleasant that the technological connection costed for our family just RUR 550. I will tell obligatorily about such an opportunity our weekend cottage neighbors”.

Judging by the fact that on the first work day 30 applications for TC were received via the Internet Portal, and as of today — already 173 applications, the service is popular.
“As of today 17 contracts have been prepared for the customers who had filed the applications for the technological connection via the Internet Portal”, — director for the customer relationships Eduard Rakovsky told, while handing in the contract to Oksana Doguzova.
MOESK carries out the planned work for the technological connection procedure improvement. Company works in accordance with the Standards of the customer servicing, increases permanently the quality of the services rendered. Should questions arise as regards the new services of the Company, the specialists of the customer offices and those of Contact center “Light line” would give the customers consultations at all the stages of consideration of their addresses.