
Decision about holding of a monthly Welcome Day for the business was taken on the 14th of August following the results of the meeting of the Executive Board of the Department of the Fuel and Energy Economy of Moscow, JSC “MOESK” (is included into the group of companies of JSC “Russian Grids”) and Moscow department “OPORA ROSSII” with the representatives of the business community. The arrangement took place within the framework of the agreement between MOESK and Moscow City Department of “Opora Rossii”, concluded in June of 2013 under the support of the city authorities, and was devoted to the issues of the power supply of the public nourishment enterprises of the capital city.

Participants of the meeting discussed the cooperation issues of the power engineers and entrepreneurs, objectives and perspectives of the subsequent cooperation touching upon the accessibility increase of the energy infrastructure, connection to the electric grids, operation of the equipment and other themes topical for the business. Head of Moscow City Union of OPORA ROSSII Alexander Zharkov emphasized that the entrepreneurial community has the established direct open relationships with MOESK. “It helps to work efficiently for the goals of the subsequent development of the small and medium business of the capital city”, - added he, having supported the initiative to hold on each last Wednesday of a month a Welcome Day for the entrepreneurs in MOESK. In the course of it the representatives of the business community will be able to get answers for all the questions, asked in person or online (such a possibility will be given on the webpage of JSC “MOESK” and Moscow City Union of OPORA ROSSII).

In his turn, president of the Federation of the restaurateurs and hoteliers Igor Bukharov thanked the Executive Board of the Russian Grids and MOESK for the open position, for the permanent readiness to have a dialogue with the entrepreneurs. “An example of such an open position of the Company is today’s meeting”, – specified he. An expert of Moscow City Union of OPORA ROSSII, Director General of the group of companies “Markon” Sergey Rak reported that the Company has the established constructive cooperation with a branch of JSC “MOESK” – Moscow Cable Grids. “All the issues are decided quickly in a working mode. The information exchange system is established, the cooperation procedures are comprehensive. In the period from May to July of the current year one scheduled outage took place at our facilities, of which we had been warned in advance, and three emergency outages, which were eliminated quickly. We would like to thank MOESK for the joint work”, - said he.

At a meeting a decision was also taken to issue booklets for the entrepreneurs, which will have the explanations relating the technological connection issues. Director General of JSC “MOESK” Pyotr Sinyutin supported this initiative. In the nearest time MOESK and Moscow OPORA together with the Department of the Fuel and Energy Economy of Moscow will prepare such a publication. It will also have the contact information which may be used to address as regards all the power supply issues of the small and medium business facilities. Besides that, Pyotr Sinyutin ordered to appoint a person responsible for the cooperation with the capital city’s entrepreneurs. Alexey Makarovsky, the Deputy Director for the development and sale of services of a branch of JSC “MOESK” - Moscow Cable Grids, has become such a person.
Vsevolod Pleshivtsev, the first Deputy Head of the Department of the Fuel and Energy Economy of Moscow specified that one could not help supporting the initiative of the monthly holding of the Entrepreneur Day and issue of the explanatory informational booklets: “Now there is no other way. If a problem emerges, it needs solving at the very beginning, and the entrepreneurs should know where and who they must contact. We will recommend other companies implementing the technological connection, to follow the example of MOESK and as well to start this work directly with the representatives of the small and medium business”.
While summing up the results of the meeting, Chairperson of the Board of Moscow division of “OPORA ROSSII” Alexander Zharkov expressed a hope for the subsequent fruitful cooperation, aimed at the rights protecting of the entrepreneurial community.