
Director General of JSC “Russian Grids” Oleg Budargin has been elected again as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”. Chief of the “Russian Grids” has headed the Position of the Board of Directors’ Chairperson since year 2012.

His Deputy has been also appointed by a resolution of the Board of Directors of the electric grid company. Andrey Kazachenkov, the First Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board, a member of the Management Board of JSC “UES FGC”, has become his Deputy.

Let us recall, that the new membership of the Board of Directors of JSC “MOESK” was approved at the annual General Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company in June of 2013. 25 candidates applied for 13 seats in the Board: following the voting results the Board of Directors of JSC “MOESK” has changed almost by 70 %. It has been constituted by seven representatives of JSC “Russian Grids” – a majority shareholder of the Company, four representatives of CJSC “Leader” (Pension Fund Asset Management Company), by one representative of GPB-DI Holdings Limited and group of the shareholders: JSC Bank Narodniy Credit, JSCB INVESTBANK, JSC “Rosgosstrakh Bank”, JSC “Agroinkombank”, Nebot Holdings Limited and JSC “OEK-Finance”. The following people have preserved their seats: Director General of JSC “Russian Grids” Oleg Budargin, Director General of CJSC “Leader” Anatoly Gavrilenko, Deputy Director General for the investments and cooperation with the state bodies of CJSC “Leader” Alexey Nuzhdov and head of the administration of the electric-power industry and infrastructural projects of the direct investments department of “Gazprombank” (Open Joint Stock Company) Wolfgang Scribot. Director General of JSC “MOESK” Pyotr Sinyutin has been also elected to the new membership of the Board of Directors.