
Solemn awarding ceremony of the best employees of the housing and communal sector of the capital city took place on the 28th of August in Central Public Concert Hall “Rossiya” (Luzhniki).

Head of the management of the high-voltage power transmission lines of JSC “MOESK” Victor Rogov has become one of four awardees from the companies of the fuel and energy complex, who got a high award handed in by acting mayor Sergey Sobyanin.

Victor Rogov, who has been worked in the energy sector for 39 years already, has been given title “Honorable power engineer of Moscow”: During all these years I worked in the structures of Moenergo at first, then, as a result of the branch reforming, – in MOESK, since the main trend of my activity – is reliability increase and improvement of the work indicators of the electric grid equipment. These words convey actually and creative work, that’s why all the difficulties which MOESK comes across today, need, as a rule, non-standard approaches in their solving”.

Victor Ivanovich specifies that Moscow has its specific nature and today continues developing dynamically, and MOESK develops together with it, thereby trying to work proactively. Perspective development schemes of the territories are taken into account when constructing the new energy capacities, “smart” technologies are being introduced, the customer services are being improved etc. “Employees of such large company as MOESK see the work from inside. And in our case – there is a friendly team, a competent management team, an opportunity to realize what has been planned and an absolute understanding of significance. Indeed a well-being of the millions of Moscovites depends on our internal motivation to work for result”, – specified he.

Acting Mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin, while speaking at the arrangement, emphasized: “We all know that we struggle for the fact that Moscow should be the best city of the Earth. And you do a big work – contribute a huge labor for the things to be such, for all of us to love our native Moscow. Many thanks to your for it!”

After an official part the guests and awardees will be congratulated by the local celebrities.