
JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” (MOESK) put under voltage the modern power distribution equipment 35 kV on 110/35/10 kV reconstructed substation “Naro-Fominsk”, located in a new modular building (KRUM) 35 kV.

Simultaneously with it, in order to transit capacity from the feeding center, a transfer to the new equipment was fulfilled in respect of 35 kV overhead lines “Naro-Fominsk – Slyudinit 1,2”. After the premise construction completion of the operations control room, in coincidence with the switchgear (indoor switchgear) 10 kV, the power engineers will start installing and fettling the necessary equipment. Till the end of year 2013 110 kV outdoor SF6 insulated switchgear (outdoor switchgear) will be put into operation.

As the chief engineer of the Western branch of JSC “MOESK” Victor Parfyonov specified, in spite of the big scale and tight deadlines, all the reconstruction works are being fulfilled according to the schedule and with due quality. The entire complex of the arrangements is planned to be completed in year 2014. By the words of the head, as a result of the reconstruction of the substation the output transformer capacity will be increased by 89 MVA.

So, JSC “MOESK” provides a reliable power supply of the residential complexes and industrial enterprises of the city and a part of Naro-Fominsk region, as well as creates an opportunity for the new consumers’ connection to the Company’s electric grids.