
Specialists of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” told about the totals of the work performed to improve the technological connection procedure on the first All-Russian forum “Accessible grids: projects, experience, topical issues”. JSC “Russian Grids” (a majority shareholder of MOESK) came forward as the organizer of the arrangement.

The following people estimated highly the activity of MOESK as to the reduction of the terms, cost and quantity of the TC procedures: the first Deputy Director General for the technical policy of JSC “Russian Grids” Roman Berdnikov, head of the Department of the fuel and energy sector of Moscow Pavel Livinskiy, head of the working group of the Strategic Initiatives Agency for monitoring of the “Road map”, Director General of “Siberian Generating Company” LLC Sergey Mironosetskiy and other participants of the forum.

“In MOESK re-engineering of own processes has resulted in a significant reduction of the connection terms, – told Sergey Mironosetskiy. – We offer the Russian Grids to use the arrangements of the road map “Accessibility increase of the energy infrastructure” (hereinafter – road map) in the work to optimize TC, with due account for the positive experience of MOESK and Lenenergo”.

Mr. Mironosetskiy specified also that the Moscow Authorities and power engineers have performed a big work to synchronize the development schemes of the territories. And in some aspects the capital city’s region is taking place some kind ahead of the schedule. “Development of the territories must take place simultaneously. Here one should determine the responsibility degree of the authorities which approve now investment programs”, – emphasized he.

Among the said issues, which need also the quickest solution, – defining an order of compensation of the shortfall in incomes; the algorithm of the land plots assignment for the energy capacities construction; approval of the unified requirements to the grid companies, including an opportunity to keep oneself informed about a course of a TC application via Internet; responsibility increase of the consumers for the declared scopes of capacity in TC contracts.

“Russian Grids” plan to reduce terms of readiness for making technological connection to 40 days, to prepare offers of the connection contracts with the capacity up to 150 kW not more than within 15 days, to reduce the number of the visits for the TC service receipt in all the regions – to three days. The Company also plans to synchronize the investment programs of the subsidiary enterprises of the Russian Grids and development schemes of the grid of the RF constituent entities”, – told the Company First Deputy Director General Roman Berdnikov.

While speaking about the role of the consumer, he emphasized especially the importance of the complete and timely informing of the applicants about the TC procedure improvement. By the words of Mr. Berdnikov, otherwise the ignorance of the technological and statutory regulatory issues results in different abusive acts. Outside agencies impose on the customers their terms and conditions and overstated prices, which have nothing to do with the grid company. Finally it slows down the development of the small and medium business in our country.

“A well-defined cooperation is organized with MOESK, – specified head of the Department for the fuel and energy sector of Moscow Pavel Livinskiy. – A normal dialogue is established between the grid company and city. A monitoring (informational exchange) of the applications coming to the energy company, is being fulfilled. The result has been not slow to arrive. The consumers address to the customer service centers, which, as we have already specified, allows excluding intermediaries and increase transparency of the technological connection procedure”.

35 customer service centers function in the responsibility area of MOESK in the territory of the capital city’s region, and 4 of them are in Moscow. Beside face-to-face visits to the Company, a specialized portal – utp.moesk.ru is functioning, where all the information of interest is represented as regards the technological connection issues to the Company’s grids. In summer of 2013 a new customer service started functioning – an electronic application filing. A visit to the Company in this case is necessary just to sign a contract and handing over the original documents of the needed documentation package.

The second part of the forum took place in the form of the round-table discussion: “Investment appeal increase of the regions owing to the quality improvement of the territorial planning”, “Procedure simplification of a license receipt for construction and registration of the land plots into the facilities of the electric grid infrastructure” and “Automation of the technological connection process, principle application “united window” in large cities”. The specialist of JSC “MOESK” have taken part in the work of the latter, having shared, among other things, the experience of program implementation “Five steps for three visits” developed in the company, having fixed upon in detail on the arrangements to increase the maintenance quality of the applicants, including the elaboration of the unified customer standards in the Company.

Totally over 200 people took part in forum “Accessible grids: projects, experience, topical issues”. They concurred that the investment climate improvement in the country and development of the small and medium business depended directly on the accessibility increase of the energy infrastructure.

For reference only:

Complexity of the connection procedure to the electric grids, as estimated by the country authorities, – is one of the most serious problems of the business development in our country. Road map “Accessibility increase of the energy infrastructure” was approved by the RF Government Decree #1144-r one year and a half ago. It includes the list of the concrete arrangements to simplify and speed up the connection process of the consumers to the electric grids. As a result a connection procedure to the electric grids is to become simple, transparent and less expensive. Beside creation of the most favorable conditions for the consumers, the implementation of what has been planned will make it possible to achieve the investment climate improvement in Russia.

For the first half year of 2013 the specialists of MOESK got almost 40 thousand applications for the connected capacity of over 3.66 ths. megawatt. Over 28 thousand contracts have been concluded with the total capacity of over 1.07 ths. megawatt, among them over 25 thousand – with the privileged customer groups.

In 2012 MOESK got approximately 46.5 ths. applications for technological connection of the power receivers with the total capacity of about 7.3 ths. megawatt. 37 thousand TC contracts were concluded at the total capacity of 2.4 ths. megawatt.