
Owing to holding the Day of Moscow city on the 7th of September and the united voting day, on the 8th of September the high alert and special regimes are introduced for the employees of Moscow United Electric Grid Company (MOESK).

To provide a continuous power supply of the polling places, MOESK specialists have carried out unscheduled inspections of the electrical installations in the territory of the capital city’s region. Special attention has been paid to the reliability of the feeding centers functioning and continuous power supply of the polling places and socially significant facilities.

Technical personnel have got the necessary additional briefings. The duty of the managing team and emergency repair teams is organized in situ.

Reserve sources of power supply – mobile electric power stations are ready to the work in the event of emergent situations. Cooperation is made with the territorial bodies of the state authority and local government, the Federal Security Service, the Internal Affairs Ministry, EMERCOM of Russia, complementary and contractor’s organizations.