
On the 8th of September, at the Unified Day of Voting, MOESK provided a stable and continuous power supply of all the polling places in the territory of Moscow and Moscow Region, including those equipped with the electronic ballot-boxes for voting. No failures in operation of the electric grid equipment were fixed.

Owing to holding of the mass arrangements, the last weekend the personnel of MOESK were transferred to the high alert and special working regimes. The additional measures were taken to provide a reliable power supply: scheduled inspections of the electrical installations were carried out, the technical specialists got the additional briefings, twenty-four-hour duty of the managing team and emergency recovery crews was organized. The cooperation scheme with the territorial forms of government and local administration was also actualized, with the special-purpose departments, for coordination, in the event of would-be emergent situations. To supply electricity to the polling places, the reserve energy sources – mobile electric power stations of different capacity were prepared in all the branches of MOESK.

As they specify in MOESK, all the necessary measures were taken in the Company in order to minimize would-be technological disturbances on the electric grids, supplying the polling places with electric power, for the region citizens to take part in the voting without obstacles.