
Today on the, 12th of September during a round-table meeting the power engineers of “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” and representatives of the Private Clinics Association discussed the topical issues of connection of the city health care institutions to the electric grids of MOESK. The meeting took place in an office of Moscow division of public organization “Opora Rossii” according to the joint actions plan approved earlier.

Main objective of such meetings – is a constructive dialogue establishment with the service consumers for technological connection, as specified in a branch of MOESK – Moscow Cable Grids. The sharpest problematic issues are solved, the suggestions and proposals of applicants are taken into account. At the round-table meeting the representatives of MCG answered the questions of the participants, as well as told about a wide spectrum of the additional services, offered by the power engineers.

“It’s very important for our company to get a timely feedback from the customers for us to take measures quickly in the function improvement of the capital city’s electric grids. A stress is laid on the service quality and permanent improvement of the customer services”, – specified Deputy Director for development and sales of services of MCG Alexey Makarovskiy.