
JSC “MOESK” has completed the reconstruction of the high-voltage (HVL) of 110 kV Ochakovo-Nemchinovka 1, 2 of the branch Central Electric Grids (CEG) with a total length of 4.9 km. The renovation is carried out in accordance with the investment program for replacement of obsolete power equipment and increase in the capacity of existing HVL. The total estimated cost of the project exceeded RUR 273 mn.

HVL of 110 kV Ochakovo- Nemchinovka 1, 2 was built in 1958. Therefore, the replacement of obsolete equipment which has operated for more than 50 years by new and modern one was imperative. The first stage of reconstruction began at the end of the year 2012. Installation of new poles was made strictly along the existing power line route. Multi-sided supports installed at HVL allowed to maintain the landscaping of the yards (the line passes through the residential area), growing perennial trees because the foundation under these poles occupies a small area with a diameter of 1.2 meter, and the pole is assembled by way of buildup with no land acquisition for its assembly. Modern designs of the development have greatly reduced the construction time of the poles. An increased number of insulators in the chain was installed – 12 instead of the traditional 9. This allowed to reduce the acoustic noise of the power line in the wet weather.

During the reconstruction, the steel-aluminum wire AC -150/24 was replaced by the composite ACCR Ostrich 300, which with the same cross section has 2-time increased transmission capacity. As a result, the transmission capacity of the HVL increased from 450 A to 980 A.

“This is the first experience of building four-chain site of HVL 110 kV for the Central Electric Grids,” Vsevolod Ivanov, Director of CEG said. “The reconstruction performed helped to increase safety, quality and reliability of supply of electricity to consumers. Furthermore, the achieved more than two-fold increase in the transmission capacity of HVL will allow to connect more subscribers.”