
Information for clients

The branch of JSC “MOESK” - Northern Electric Grids notifies consumers of services that from 02.10.2013 bank details for payment of grid connection (GC) agreements change:

When specifying the details in the payment documents under the GC Contracts, the details of JSC “Sberbank of Russia” (the branch - Moscow Bank of Sberbank of Russia JSC) must be used instead LLC “EXPOBANK”, Moscow.

JSC “MOESK” or Joint Stock Company
“Moscow United Electric Grid Company”
Legal address:
115114, RF, Moscow, the 2nd Paveletsky passageway, 3,bld. 2
Postal address:
127254, Moscow, Rustavelli Street, 2
TIN (taxpayer’s id. number)/ RRC (registration reason code)
JSC “Sberbank of Russia” (branch – Moscow Bank of Sberbank of Russia JSC)
Settlement account
30301810800006003800 with JSC “Sberbank of Russia”
Correspondent account
30101810400000000225 with Operations Department of Moscow GTU Bank of Russia
RCBIC (Russian Central Bank id.code)
RBOC (Russian businesses and organizations classification)
PSRN (primary state registration number)
Telephone/ fax: