
190.jpgJSC "MOESK" has summed up the current year intermediate results of the repair program implementation. For today there are no schedule delay of repairs, works are carried out according to the plan in all branches of the electric grid company.

“Nowadays the companies of the electro power complex carry out active preparation for the forthcoming autumn-winter period. The task is to finish the planned complex of actions as fast as possible in order to provide reliable and qualitative electrical supply for our consumers. MOESK has everything needed: skilled staff, special equipment, stock of materials and equipment. If it is necessary, contracting organizations are involved, including for repair program implementation,” Nikita Dement’yev, deputy technical director of JSC "MOESK" for power supply grid assets technical condition management said.

More than RUR 2 bn has been assigned by JSC "MOESK" for repairs since the beginning of the year. Repairs of aerial power lines (AL) and transformer equipment are implemented within the established time; works on clearing and expansion of PL (power lines) are carried out.

MOESK has repaired 638 km of AL 35-220 kV (102 % of the half-year plan), and 1,066 km of AL 04-6-10 kV (101%) for the reporting period. The plan on power transformers repairing has been 114% fulfilled (84 pieces), repair of transformer station, switches 6-kV and cable lines 0,4-220 kV have been performed.

The total amount of JSC "MOESK" repair program financing in 2013 will be RUR 4.9 bn. The main part of works will be completed before the beginning of the autumn-winter period.