
From 01.07.2013 Viktor Ivanov, who earlier occupied position of Deputy Director – Chief Engineer of WEG, was appointed as new Director of branch of JSC “MOESK” Western Electric Grids.

Order on his appointment was signed by Director General of JSC “MOESK” Pyotr Sinyutin.

The similar order was signed in respect to Aleksey Irzhak, who heads the work of MOESK’s branch Northern Electric Grids since June of 2013.

Labor activity of new heads is tightly tied with electric power industry. Both top managers worked also within structures of their branches before appointments and recommended themselves as competent and talented leaders.


Viktor Ivanovich Ivanov

Ivanov.jpgBorn on 02.06.1954 in Ryazan’ region. In 1984 graduated from All-Union Extramural Polytechnic Institute according to specialist field “Electrical stations, grids and systems”.

In the period from 1973 to 1975 served in the ranks of Military forces.

He began his labor activity in 1973. Came to electric power industry in 1977 as a duty electrician, since 1981 – a shift master at hydroelectric station # 1 of “Mosenergo”.

Professional career in Western Electric Grids began in 1987. Viktor Ivanovich took a position of Deputy Head, and later – Head of Filyovo group of substations. Further – Deputy Head of substations service, Head of WEG’s substations service.

Since 2005 has been holding a position of Chief Engineer of the enterprise.

Under management of Viktor Ivanovich large-scale programs of modernization and development of electric grid complex of western Moscow region were realized.

Aleksey Yur’yevich Irzhak
Born on 17.07.1974.

He has two higher educations, engineer and economic, and legal education. Graduated from Moscow State Legal Academy named after O.E. Kutaphin and Moscow State University of Civil Engineering.

Aleksey Irzhak’s labor activity was anyhow tied with construction, both from the part of contracting organization, and from the part of consumer.

The largest projects, in which realization Aleksey Irzhak took part, are – construction of residential buildings and an embassy building of the Republic of Tadzhikistan in Moscow, terminal “D” of the international air complex “Sheremet’yevo” and a plant in the USA, where he was in 2009-2010.

Professional career of Mr. Irzhak in capital construction block of JSC “MOESK” began in 2010, when he headed Department of price-formation and cost estimate.

From September of 2010 till May of 2013 – Director of Department for the construction organization. A.Yu. Irzhak’s employment duties were participation in development of MOESK’s investment program, its quick adjustment and execution.

He is married, brings up a son.