
The management of the Children’s Health Improvement Camp (CHIC) "Radost’" based on Domodedovo school #4, on behalf of the camp director Elena Peshekhonova and school director Marina Belyakova expressed gratitude to the company JSC "MOESK" represented by Pyotr Sinyutin, Director General and Mikhail Ezhokin, Director of the branch of JSC "MOESK" - Southern Electric Grids (SEG) “for active participation of specialists in the event "Good electricity - safe vacation" aimed at preventing electric traumas among children and teenagers"

DSC_0178.jpgThe event within the framework of the action "Good electricity" which was held on 24.06.2013 at CHIC "Radost’" in Domodedovo city district in the south Moscow Area united in the classroom more than 30 children of forms 1-5. Occupational safety inspector of the Serpukhov electric grids district Alexander Bubnov in an easy to understand manner told about the danger of electric shock to human health and proper behavior near facilities of the electric grid complex. Each child received a souvenir picture with electrical rules.

More than 1,100 students of the southern Moscow Area acquainted with the rules of electrical safety during the classes held by the staff of the Southern electric grids on the eve of the summer vacation. To draw children's attention to such a serious topic, make think about their safety and safety of ones and next people - that was the main objective, pursued by the energy specialists when they organize such meetings.

DSCN0328.JPGWork of prevention of children electrical traumas is held by employees year-round, but is particularly relevant during the school holidays. Summer is the time of having a rest for both children and adults, so additional warning about careful handling of electricity at home and at electric power facilities is important for all age groups. According to the head of the technological process security and reliability administration of SEG Galina Pyotrova, "Unfortunately, very often behavior of children during the summer holidays is not consistent with the basic rules of safety of life, so it is necessary to carry out preventive work, not only among children but also among parents."

The branch of JSC "MOESK" - Southern Electric Grids - provides electricity to more than 40 children's summer camps located in Podolsk, Serpukhov, Chekhov and other areas of the southern Moscow Area.

The activities in the framework of the large-scale campaign, initiated by JSC "MOESK" - "Good electricity - safe holidays" and approved by the Temporary Acting Governor Andrei Vorob’yov will be held during the summer months in the places of collective recreation of children in accordance with the approved schedule. Employees of the labor protection division, representatives of the operational dispatching services and information services of the enterprise Southern Electric Grids are invited for participation in the event.