
A series of electrical safety lessons were held by MOESK’s energy specialists in the educational institutions of Moscow and the Moscow Area. Thus, within the charity event of JSC “MOESK” “Kind electricity for children”, Yaroslav Dmitrakov, the head of the safety division of “Central Electric Grids” (CEG) held a lesson in two fourth forms of SBEI (State Budget-funded Educational Institution) SGES (Secondary General Education School) #1370 building 1.

He told the children about the rules of electrical safety in the detailed and accessible manner, confirming his words with colorful slides. The main objective of communication was to warn pupils about the danger of high voltage, explain how they can protect themselves from the terrible effects of electric current. And what should be done so that electricity will always be “kind”.

Lessons helping to maintain the life and health were held by the employees of MOESK’s branch “Eastern Electrical Grids” (EEG). During the new school year, the rules of safe electricity were taught to the pupils of six schools, including the correctional school for hearing-impaired children - boarding school #19. Let us note that during the event, energy specialists of the Eastern branch held a lesson for children with disabilities through a sign language interpreter for the first time.

Preparations for such a lesson demanded special responsibility because it was required to convey information about the electrical safety rules to the pupils of the 4th – 6th forms in a very accessible, almost primitive form.

At school #10, children showed good awareness of, and knowledge in electrical safety basics. The lesson took place in the form of an active dialogue, a lot of questions were asked. The pupils listened to the basic rules of the first aid to the victims attentively. The children expressed a desire to participate in the contest of children's drawings, conducted by the company for educational institutions of the Moscow Area.

By tradition, the lessons are completed by delivery of thematic souvenirs: calendars, class schedules, key rings and magnets. Special placards devoted to children traumatism are always presented to the schools in such cases.

Based on the results of the classes, a letter was received from the director of school #10 of Kolomna, which was addressed to General Director of JSC “MOESK” Petr Sinyutin. It expresses appreciation for the company for its campaign “Kind electricity for children”, and, in particular, to Chief Inspector of the labour protection division of EEG of JSC “MOESK” Mikhail Shvakin for many-year cooperation in terms of education and teaching the basics of electrical safety of schoolchildren. The letter notes not only the organization of the systematic work of the eastern branch in the field of systematic prevention of child electric traumatism, but also the high level of conducting the lessons.

A similar letter was received by the director of EEG Andrey Vologin from the director of boarding school #19 of Kolomna. It also expressed gratitude to the specialists of the branch for the organization and holding of an open lesson for electrical safety, which was specially prepared for children with disabilities.

For reference:

Since the beginning of 2013, as part of the charity event “Kind electricity for children”, the company specialists have held over 150 open lessons on “Electrical Safety” in educational institutions of the Moscow Region, which were attended by more than 6,000 pupils. The action was approved by S.S. Sobyanin, mayor of Moscow and A.Yu. Vorobiev, Moscow Region Governor.
During the five years of the campaign (since 2009), MOESK’s employees have organized classes in more than 700 children’s educational institutions and summer camps in the Moscow Region, attended by about 42 thousand children. Experience of the action “Kind electricity for children” shows that the knowledge gained by children during electrical safety lessons reduces risks of electrical traumas among pupils of all age groups.