
Moscow Cable Grids – the branch of JSC “MOESK” – during preparation of the electric grid facilities of the capital for the autumn and winter period reduced the rate of damaged cable lines more than 2.5 times. As of mid-November, less than 500 cable lines remained in the process of repairs, which corresponds to the average parameters.

Roman Voinov, Director of MCG set a task for his team in December this year to reduce the number of grids under repairs to 300. Today, this task is successfully met.

In preparation for winter, energy specialists of the branch of MOESK successfully overcame the trends of spring and early summer, when there were sudden temperature changes, active melting of snow were observed and construction and excavation works in the protected zones for cable lines were held. During this period, the number of damaged CL reached 1,300.

By the way, in the late 90-ies, the number of damages reached 4,500. Compared with 1998, the number of cable lines grew by 20% and their total length in Moscow increased significantly. Analysis of the statistics shows considerable improvement in the quality of the held repair works and the right approach to damages prevention.