
JSC "Moscow United Electric Grid Company" (MOESK) continues struggling with the non-accounted electricity consumption within the framework of action "Honest kilowatt". In February of the current year the power engineers of branch "Energouchyot", together with the employees of the electric grid branches of the company carried out over 300 raids to reveal cases of the non-accounted and non-contractual electric power consumption.

As a result 226 acts about the non-accounted consumption of 35 mln kWh were made up. In the reporting period 16.5 mln kWh of electric power, consumed with the accounting rules violations, were included into the productive supply.

125 acts were made up in respect of the revealed cases of electric power consumption in absence of a power supply contract with energy selling company JSC "MOESK". The total scope of the revealed non-contractual electricity consumption – is 77.2 mln kWh with the cost of RUR 357.3 mln. RUR 30.4 mln have been entered to MOESK account on the acts made up earlier about the non-contractual consumption of electric power in February of the current year.

Specialists of JSC "MOESK" keep reminding the citizens of the fact that invoices for consumed electric power must be paid timely. Especially it touches upon the electric power consumption with the accounting rules violations, as well as without a contract conclusion with a selling entity.

Primary goal of action "Honest kilowatt" – is not only to reduce losses in electric grids of MOESK, but as well to form in the company the understanding of the negative consequences of "free of charge" electricity consumption. In the course of the raids the power engineers carry out an explanatory work with the citizens, explaining to them, what the unauthorized works at the electric grids and attempts to save on electric power may result in.

ZA1_0142.JPGUnauthorized connection frequently results in the power supply quality reduction, occurrence of voltage drops in the grid, household appliances spoilage, creation of fire-hazardous and injury-risk situations. Administrative responsibility is stipulated for the rules violation of connection to electric grids and electric power consumption, and in a series of cases - even criminal responsibility.

MOESK pays a special attention of the citizens to a high hazard of unauthorized works at the energy facilities. When fulfilling similar actions the safety regulations are violated seriously. The power engineers fulfill all the works with the help of the special accessories, in special clothes, as well as on a deenergized power transmission line. And amateurs of "free of charge" electricity, in order to make a throw on, climb the poles of a functional line, without necessary instruments and clothing.

JSC "MOESK" reminds that the lawful consumption of electric power is in ten of times cheaper and safer than any attempts of an individual intervention into the function of electric grids.