
IMG_6375.JPGJSC "MOESK" has started to fulfill the next reconstruction stage of 110 kV substation "Strogino" of branch Central Electric Grids. The preparation works to installation of the new 110 kV indoor switchgear (ISG) have been completed.

Reconstruction is made within the framework of implementation of MOESK's investment program. Till the year end the company branch plans to invest RUR 41 mln into the feeding center renovation. The project total cost, estimated till year 2018, will amount to RUR 666 mln.

110 kV substation "Strogino" is one of the key substations in the territory of the North-Western administrative district of the capital city. It provides with electric power the health care institutions, education institutions, residential houses, trade complexes "Metro" and "Auchan", District Thermal Station "Strogino", trade and exhibition center "Krokus City", underground railway, a tramway depot, technical park "Orbita".

IMG_6381.JPG"Carried out reconstruction will make it possible not only to increase reliability, quality and safety of power supply of consumers, but also to improve the operational efficiency of the substation servicing", – commented deputy director – chief engineer of Central Electric Grids Pavel Samylov.
ew 110 kV ISG (indoor switchgear) will represent an additional storey in form of the third floor above the former switchgear of the same capacity. Upon the construction completion, ISG will be equipped with the new electrical equipment: it will have two sections by 110 kV, line-isolating switches, transformer circuit-breakers, voltage transformers. As of today the reparatory stage has been completed. To liberate roof, 110 kV overhead lines "Krasnogorskaya– Strogino I and II" have been re-brought in to the building face.