
6.jpgOn the 1st of April of this year JSC "Moscow United Electric Grid Company" celebrates its ninth birthday! Throughout the duration of all these years the several thousand collective of the powers engineers has been providing the reliable power supply of good quality of the most dynamically developing region of Russia. In the service area of nine branches of MOESK – there are 17 mln dwellers of Moscow and region or almost 47 ths. km². The large-scale grid economy of the grid company – is over 600 high-voltage and almost 28.5 ths. distribution substations with the total capacity of over 46 ths. MVA. Total length of the overhead power transmission lines amounts to 66,725 km, cable ones – 72,304 km.

By the words of director general Pyotr Sinyutin, the team of Moscow United Electric Grid Company, as before, works proactively, with due regard for the needs of the customers, those of business, shareholders and government on the whole.

"We don't stop increasing competences, laying a stress on an increase of transparency and customer-oriented approach. The competence of our specialists is proved by the magnitude of the projects implemented in the company", – specifies Pyotr Sinyutin.

Merits of the Moscow power engineers are celebrated on the highest level. Not without reason the employees of JSC "MOESK" are involved in fulfillment of the most difficult objectives, whether they are liquidation of emergent situations or preparation of the grid infrastructure of Sochi to holding of the Olympic Games.

"Thank you for the selfless labor and dedicated work. Thanks to everybody, who has made his/her personal contribution and continues swaying the history of the capital city's energy system: veterans, honourable power engineers, minor executives and young specialists, – says Pyotr Alexeevich. – Our several thousand collective – is the strength reserve for the subsequent development and stability of the capital city's region. May all of us have health, well-being, successes and new achievements"!