
At the meeting of the Board of Directors of JSC "MOESK", which took place on April, 11, in the absent form, the quantitative memberships have been determined and new personnel memberships of all the committees under the Board of Directors of JSC "MOESK" have been elected: for strategy and development, reliability, audit, personnel and remunerations and grid connection to the electric networks.

It's worth specifying that Director General of JSC "MOESK" Sinyutin P.A. and director of the department of the electric-power industry of the Ministry of Energy of Russia Snikkars P.N. have been elected into the membership of the Strategy and Development Committee.

Membership of the Strategy and Development Committee (15 people):
Surname, Name, Patronymic Position and place of work
Chairperson of the Committee:
Dyomin Andrey Alexandrovich first deputy director general for economics and finances of JSC "Russian Grids"
Members of the Committee:
Ardeev Andrey Vladimirovich head of the corporate governance division of CJSC "Leader"
Balayeva Svetlana Alexandrovna director of the investment activity department of JSC "Russian Grids"
Igumnov Nikita Georgievich Senior manager of the management project in the electric-power industry and infrastructural projects of the direct investments department of GPB (OJSC)
Inozemtsev Alexander Valer'yevich first deputy director general for financial and economic activity and corporate governance of JSC "MOESK"
Lebedev Sergey Yur'yevich director of the strategic development department of JSC "Russian Grids"
Neganov Leonid Valerievich Energy Minister of the Moscow Region
Nikitin Sergey Alexandrovich Deputy Director General – head of the corporate control division of CJSC "Leader"
Nuzhdov Alexey Viktorovich Deputy Director General for investments and interaction with the state bodies of CJSC "Leader"
Saukh Maksim Mikhailovich head of the corporate relations administration of the department for the corporate governance and interaction with the shareholders and investors of JSC "Russian Grids"
Sinyutin Pyotr Alexeevich Director General of JSC "MOESK"
Scribot Wolfgang head of the administration of the electric-power industry and infrastructural projects of the direct investments department of GPB (OJSC)
Snikkars Pavel Nikolayevich director of the electric-power industry department of the Ministry of Energy of Russia
Chevkin Dmitry Alexandrovich director of the staff policy and organizational development department of JSC "Russian Grids"
Yascheritsyna Yuliya Vital'yevna director of the economic planning and budgeting department of JSC "Russian Grids"
Membership of the Reliability Committee (7 people):
Surname, Name, Patronymic Position and place of work
Chairperson of the Committee:
Gvozdev Dmitry Borisovich director of the situation and analytical center of JSC "Russian Grids"
Members of the Committee:
Ardeev Andrey Vladimirovich head of the corporate governance division of CJSC "Leader"
Balabanov Mikhail Ivanovich first deputy head of the Department of the fuel and energy economy of Moscow city
Kovtun Sergey Anatol'yevich deputy head of administration – head of the division for organization of operating and technological management of the situation and analytical center of JSC "Russian Grids"
Neganov Leonid Valerievich Energy Minister of the Moscow Region
Nikitin Vyacheslav Borisovich deputy chief engineer for the operating and technological management – head of the Grids Management Center of JSC "MOESK"
Chegodaev Anatoly Vasil'yevich first deputy director general – chief engineer of JSC "MOESK"
Membership of the Audit Committee (8 people):
Surname, Name, Patronymic Position and place of work
Chairperson of the Committee:
Nikitin Sergey Alexandrovich Deputy Director General – head of the corporate control division CJSC "Leader"
Members of the Committee:
Dyomin Andrey Alexandrovich first deputy director general for economics and finances of JSC "Russian Grids"
Kokin Andrey Anatol'yevich Director General of "Stroy Capital" Limited Liability Company
Lebedev Sergey Yur'yevich director of the strategic development department JSC "Russian Grids"
Nuzhdov Alexey Viktorovich Deputy Director General for investments and interaction with the state bodies of CJSC "Leader"
Scribot Wolfgang head of the administration of the electric-power industry and infrastructural projects of the direct investments department of GPB (OJSC)
Sof'yin Vladimir Vladimirovich director of the technological development and innovations department of JSC "Russian Grids"
Shatokhina Oksana Vladimirovna Deputy Director General for economics of JSC "Russian Grids"
Membership of the Staff and Remuneration Committee (5 people):
Surname, Name, Patronymic Position and place of work
Chairperson of the Committee:
Shatokhina Oksana Vladimirovna Deputy Director General for economics of JSC "Russian Grids"
Members of the Committee:
Gavrilenko Anatoly Anatol'yevich Director General of CJSC "Leader"
Lebedev Sergey Yur'yevich director of the strategic development department JSC "Russian Grids"
Scribot Wolfgang head of the administration of the electric-power industry and infrastructural projects of the direct investments department of GPB (OJSC)
Sof'yinVladimir Vladimirovich director of the technological development and innovations department of JSC "Russian Grids"
Membership of the Committee for the grid connection to electrical networks (11 people):
Surname, Name, Patronymic Position and place of work
Chairperson of the Committee:
Masaleva Irina Borisovna department director of the perspective development of the network and grid connection of JSC "Russian Grids"
Members of the Committee:
Ardeev Andrey Vladimirovich head of the corporate governance division of CJSC "Leader"
Vakulin Konstantin Vladimirovich key auditor of the corporate governance division of CJSC "Leader"
Zorin Filipp Petrovich Deputy Director General for the network development and services rendering of branch of JSC "UES FGC" – Main Power Networks of Center
Lebedeva Nadezhda Ivanovna Chief expert of the administration of regulatory activity of the Grid Connection of the department for the perspective development of the network and grid connection of JSC "Russian Grids"
Markov Andrey Rudol'fovich key analyst of the corporate governance division of CJSC "Leader"
Korolyov Vitaliy Gennad'yevich administration head of the electric-power industry control of the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service of Russia
Panin Alexander Alexandrovich deputy director general for the legal issues of JSC "MOESK"
Pleshivtsev Vsevolod Georgievich first deputy head of the Department of the fuel and energy economy of Moscow city
Pyatigor Alexander Mikhailovich deputy Director General for the grid connection and services development of JSC "MOESK"
Yushin Leonid Yur'yevich director for the pricing control and investments of JSC "MOESK"
Information about the decisions of the committees under the Board of Director of JSC "MOESK" is placed on the corporate web-page of www.moesk.ru in section "Shareholders and Investors / Corporate Governance / Board of Directors' Committees".


JSC "Moscow United Electric Grid Company" (JSC "MOESK") – is one of the largest distribution electric grid companies of Russia.

JSC "MOESK" provides the power supply of the most dynamically developing in the country Moscow region with the population of about 17 mln. people. The Company primary types of activity – are the services rendering for electric power transmission and grid connection of consumers to the electric networks in the territory of Moscow and Moscow Region.

Control parcel of the shares of JSC "MOESK" (50.9 %) is owned by JSC "Russian Grids".
JSC "Russian Grids" – is the largest in Russia and world energy company, providing the transmission and distribution of electric power.

Length of the Company power transmission lines is 2.3 mln km, the transformer capacity is 463 thousand substations – 726 kVA. The numerical strength of the personnel of the Group of companies of "Russian Grids" – is 213 thousand top-ranked specialists.

Proprietary complex of the Company includes the parcels of 43 subsidiary and dependent entities, including the parcels of the shares of 11 interregional and 5 regional grid companies. The controlling shareholder is the government, which possesses of the stake in the charter capital in the amount of 61.7 %.

In execution of Decree of the Russian Federation President, the parcel of shares of JSC "UES FGC" owned by RF, was transferred in June of 2013 as the contribution into the company charter capital.

IR Division of JSC "MOESK"
Tel.:+7(495) 984-57-72/74;