
ris-1.pngOperators of the MOESK Contact Center receive nearby 1,200 calls per day. In the first quarter of 2014, the Uniform Contact Center "Light Line" received 68,903 calls from the company customers. The number of outgoing calls was 19,574.

Comparison with the first quarter of 2013, when 39,501 incoming calls were received, and outgoing calls equaled 4,341 shows both the high level of customers’ demand for this service, and the increased professionalism of the Contact Centre employees.

The most impressive result, compared to the same period of the last year, was the client’s average waiting time for an operator’s answer. At the beginning of 2013, when the contact center was established, a customer waited for an answer on the line for an average period of 7 minutes 22 seconds, current time in queue is just 40 seconds.

Contact Center "Light Line" was organized in accordance with the needs of the Company's customers. Energy specialists needed a new form of communication with consumers due to simplification of the grid connection procedures.

Area of responsibility of "Light Line" includes not only phone answers, but also other correspondence services of MOESK, such as communication with customers through the Grid Connection Portal.

Head of the Contact Center Tatiana Nekrasova says that a large number of communication channels ensures maximum convenience for customers. "Our operators are constantly improving their professionalism. At least one hour a week - every week is devoted to training and professional development. This includes training in the skills within the profession and deepening into the laws and regulations on grid connection to the electric grid, as well as psychological training, and the fundamentals of the electric power industry,” Tatiana said. Evidence of the increased skills is an indicator of an operator’ average talk time. A year ago, it was almost 4 minutes, but today it is 2 minutes 8 seconds. This is an objective measure of competence, reliability and stress resistance of the "Light Line" operators.