
JSC "Moscow United Electric Grid Company" continues struggling with non-accounted electric power consumption. In May of the current year within the framework of action "Honest kilowatt" the power engineers of branch "Energouchet" together with the employees of the electric grid branches of the Company have carried out over 300 raids to reveal cases of non-accounted and non-contractual electric power consumption.

As a result, 164 acts have been drawn up on the actual basis of the rules violation of electricity metering. The scope of the revealed non-accounted electricity consumption has amounted to 17.2 mln. kWh. The unfair consumers have been presented with bills for electric power, at 11.5 mln. kWh consumed earlier with the rules violations.

Also, the employees of MOESK have drawn up the acts in respect of 211 cases of electric power consumption in absence of a power supply contract. According to the acts, the scope of non-contractual consumption has amounted to 27.2 mln. kWh, with the total cost of RUR 144.3 mln. Besides that, in May the unfair consumers paid 103 acts for the non-contractual electricity consumption, which had been drawn up earlier, with the cost of RUR 21.7 mln.

Specialists of JSC "MOESK" keep reminding the citizens of the fact that the bills for the consumed electric power are to be paid in time (especially it concerns the electric power consumption with the metering rules violation, as well as without a contract conclusion with a selling organization).

Action "Honest kilowatt" is intended not only to reduce losses in electric grids of MOESK, but as well to warn the population of a hazard and extremely high price of the self-willed electricity consumption.

The result of the actions of unfair citizens is felt first and foremost by their neighbors. Working capacity in the electric grid, to which somebody has connected without authorization, may lack for the functioning of the ordinary household electric appliances. Risks of fires and electric traumas occurrence grow up.

Specialists of MOESK pay a special attention of the citizens to a hazard of unauthorized works at the energy facilities. When performing such actions, safety requirements are grossly violated. The power engineers perform all the works with the help of the special appliances, in special clothing, as well as at a de-energized power transmission line. As for those people who like "free of charge" electricity, in order to make throwing on, they neglect all the safety requirements and climb the poles of the functional line, without necessary instruments and outfit. Carelessly hanging in the air or going on the earth wires may also bring about a tragedy.

JSC "MOESK" reminds that the authorized consumption of electric power is ten times cheaper and safer, than any attempts of self-willed interference with the function of electric grids and "free of charge" electric power consumption.