
JSC "Moscow United Electric Grid Company" continues carrying out an active struggle with unfair consumers of electric power within the framework of action "Honest kilowatt". The action main goal – is reduction of non-technical losses of the Company when transmitting electric power and informing the population of a high hazard and inevitable responsibility for the self-willed connection to electric grids.

For the past six months of the current year the specialist of JSC "MOESK" have carried out 1,854 raids to reveal cases of unauthorized electric power consumption. 

According to the data of a branch of JSC "MOESK" "Energouchet", the company employees have drawn up 1,120 acts about the non-accounted electricity consumption for the reporting period. Totally, the unfair citizens and entrepreneurs have consumed 158.7 mln. kWh of electric power with the metering rules violation, what exceeds by 35% the similar indicator of the last year. The unfair consumers have been presented with bills for non-accounted electric power, at 70.4 mln. kWh.

On the actual basis of the electricity consumption without a power supply contract, 896 acts for 158.5 mln. kWh with the total cost of RUR 813.1 mln. have been drawn up for the first half year of the current year. It's more than twice exceeds the indicator of the similar period of the past year. Over RUR 142 mln. under the acts about non-contractual electricity consumption made earlier, have entered to the account of JSC "MOESK".

In each district of the Moscow Region, MOESK employees are carrying out the active work for detecting and suppressing cases of unauthorized connection to the electric grids and electric power consumption. Thanks to the systematic work, the company manages to return a part of the funds lost as a result of the actions of the unfair consumers. 

Specialists of JSC "MOESK" keep reminding the citizens of the fact that bills for the consumed electric power must be paid timely (especially it concerns the electric power consumption with the metering rules violation, as well as without a contract conclusion with a selling organization). According to the laws, the scope of the non-contractual and non-accounted electricity consumption is calculated on a cross-section of a lead-in cable. As a result – the scope of the non-contractual and non-accounted electric power consumption exceeds several times the scope and cost of the actually consumed electric power. JSC "MOESK" encourages the consumers to conclude timely power supply contracts and not to try to "deceive" the metering instruments.