
Under the next raid within the framework of action "Honest kilowatt", in Istra District of Moscow Region the power engineers of JSC "MOESK" detected the facts of the unlawful connection of a food pavilion and a building materials store. Selling spots, the owners whereof didn't have the power supply contracts and contracts for metering devices installation, are located along route "Moscow – Riga".

In the raid, alongside with the employees of the security block of the Western branch of MOESK and the specialists of "Energouchet" branch, the representatives of the district police were involved.

In the course of inspection they found out that the facilities had been connected unlawfully to the pole of 0.4 kV overhead line, which provides the power supply of one of Gardeners' Non-Commercial Partnership. The energy thieves laid their distribution grid, which didn't comply with any norms and rules of electric safety. A bare aluminum wire, unsteady stakes instead of the poles of PTL represented a true threat to life both for the very landlords and for the visitors of the shops. Besides that, this power transmission line with the length of about 70 meters went through the forestland, which means it was also hazardous for holiday goers. 

Following the inspection results the power engineers of MOESK drew up the acts of unlawful electricity consumption and dismantled the line. According to the preliminary estimations, the total scope of the stolen electric power has amounted to about 64 MWh or almost RUR 230 ths. This quantity would be enough to provide a multi-family dwelling for 350 flats with electric power, within a month.

Power engineers pay a special attention of the population and heads of the enterprises to the fact that, beside losses, born by the energy company due to the unlawful connection to the electric grids, unauthorized connections may also bring about the power supply quality reduction, and this, in its turn, results in voltage drops in the grid, damage of household electrical appliances, electricity failures and even fires.