
Following the totals of the first half year of 2014 the losses under the electric power transmission through the grids of JSC "MOESK" reduced by 0.78 percentage points in relation to the similar period of the past year and has amounted to 8.24% from the supply into the grid. In Moscow the losses reduced by 0,75 percentage points to 7.8%, in Moscow Region – by 0.82 percentage points to 8.73%.

In the first half year of 2014 the losses scope amounted to 3,627.17 mln. kWh in absolute terms, wht is by 371.3 mln. kWh (9.3%) lower than the similar indicator of the past year.

Losses reduction in the grids of MOESK, due to the organizational and technical arrangements fulfillment for the commercial metering of electric power, as well as the efficient management on part of the top management, has resulted in the growth of the productive supply scope of the company. Among the arrangements, that have resulted in the losses reduction, the following ones may be specified: reading and check of the metering devices of the consumers, organization of the commercial accounting of electric power, an installation of meters and energy saving lamps, substitution of overloaded and worn out transformers 6-10 kV, increase of the transmission capacity of 35-220 kV PTL, as well as development of 20 kV distribution grid.

To reveal cases of electric power consumption with the metering rules violation, the specialists of JSC "MOESK" organize the raids. They have managed to reduce the amount of losses by 70.4 mln. kWh due to inclusion of the non-accounted electric power into the productive supply.