
As of the end of 2014, electrical energy losses in JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” (a company of the Rosseti Group) decreased by 3.7% compared to the previous year and amounted to 7 784.6 mn kWh or 8.77% of release in the grid.

In particular, electrical energy losses in Moscow in 2014 amounted to 3 988.6 mn kWh or 8.61% of release in the grid compared to 9.02% in the previous year and 3 796 mn kWh or 8.95% in the Moscow Region compared to 9.32% a year earlier.

Reduction of the losses was a result of implementation of the Program on energy saving and energy efficiency improvement of JSC “MOESK” for 2014-2019. The key activities of the Program include “Fair kilowatt” check visits to identify electrical energy consumption without metering and concluding a contract; taking readings of electricity meters installed at the consumers’ premises; carrying out checks of meters using special instrumentation; creation and upgrade of revenue metering means; development of 20 kV distribution network.

Reduction of electrical energy losses in transmission is one of the main tasks of JSC “MOESK”, which becomes even more important in the current economic situation. Implementation of the action plan for the current year will also make it possible to reduce losses, which ultimately will improve the operational efficiency of the company.