Виртуальный помощник


From February 28, 2022, the website of PJSC Rosseti Moscow Region contains a draft long-term investment program for the development of the Company for the planning period from 2023 to 2027, with changes in the approved values of 2022 and the opportunity for users to make suggestions. This draft will significantly increase the external transparency of the Company's implementation of the investment program.

The draft was published in accordance with the Rules for Approving Investment Programs of Electric Power Industry Entities, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 977 dated 01.12.2009, in order to conduct public discussion and make suggestions on specific items of the investment program.

Learn more about the draft investment program of PJSC Rosseti Moscow Region for the period 2023-2027 by clicking on the link.

For maximum user convenience, in order to make suggestions and leave comments, it is enough to click on the button "Form for discussing the long-term investment program" and fill in the appropriate fields in the feedback form

Suggestions are accepted from February 28 to March 20, 2022. Later, the company's website will post information about all the suggestions considered and changes made to the investment program therefore.