
During 8 months of the current year, Southern Electric Networks, a branch of JSC “MOESK”, implemented the schedule of losses. Saving equaled 48.30 million kWt-h of electric energy.

Specialists of the SEN branch implement permanent and gradual work on prevention of, and revealing of cases of electric energy consumption without an agreement conducted. In the finished period of 2010, this work resulted in reduction of electric energy losses by 46,868 thousand kWt-h.

Starting from the beginning of the year, 625 raids to reveal unaccounted electric energy consumption without agreements were carried out at responsibility area of SEN. Major amount of agreement-free consumption was revealed at Podolsk and Ramensky districts of the Moscow Region. It was determined by larger sizes of grid property, number of consumers, and area of building, in comparison with other districts.

A whole complex of events has been worked out to cut the level of losses. It includes improvement of calculation and technical account systems, monthly account of electric energy balances at 6-10 kV feeders to increase number and quality of raids at towns to reveal “cores” of losses. During the raids on revelation of agreement-free electric energy consumption as of September the 1st, 2010, 430 acts for the amount of 9,689 thousand kWt-h, and sum of RUR 23.836 million, have been made.

Under the program for reduction of electric energy losses over current year, the branch’s personnel have replaced 106.38 of cable at overloaded overhead transmission lines for cables with larger section; checked 1,672 account equipment; and implemented replacement of 249 engineering communication equipment in 0.4 kV grid, and 151 electric meters.

Reduction of electric energy losses during its transmission is one of most important directions of work at electric grid enterprises dealing with electric energy transmission and distribution. The implemented events are aimed at annual plan for electric energy losses reduction.