
Due to results of production in August 2010, electric energy output in grids of Moscow Cable Networks (MCN) equaled to 3,071.85 million kWt-hour. Productive supply made 2,874.27 million kWt-hour. Thus, plan on electric energy losses in August has been fulfilled, as follows: actual losses at electric grids of MCN made 6.43% compared with the planned level of 7.12%.

Reduction of electric energy losses in electric grids of JSC “MOESK” is one of main issues regarding electric energy transport. Due to is, the Company implement several events aimed at cut of losses. They include replacement of fine wires for heavy-gage at cables and overhead transmission lines located at overloaded electric energy transmission areas; replacement of old GOST (All-Union State Standard) transformers for new ones; optimization of electric grids by building of 6-20 kV cable lines; equalization of loads at transformer substations and 0.38 kV electric grids.

In addition, measures against electric energy stealing are undertaken within the boundaries of “Fair Kilowatt” event. Raids aimed to reveal unaccounted electric energy consumption are implemented regularly. Thus, 392 cases of electric energy consumption within agreements and accounting have been fixed in Moscow in August 2010. The capital’s Central District leads in the “black list” of electric energy unaccounted consumption. Situation in East, North-East, and North-West districts lives much to be desired as well.

Implementing their inspections, power engineers remind consumers that stealing of electric energy is an official crime.

*Moscow Cable Networks is a branch of Joint-Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”. Main activities are rendering services on electric energy transmission to consumers and technological connection to electric grids. The branch Moscow Cable Networks operates 0.4-20 kV and 35 kV electric grids with total length of more than 66,143 km, and about 17,041 distribution and transformer substations at which transmission of electric energy for houses and public premises, city objects, motive transport, and industry enterprises al over Moscow is being carried out. The area spreads from Kremlin to Kurkino and Butovo including Zelenograd and Shcherbinka. Total number of the branch’s employees equals 5,187 persons.