
A traditional autumn Olympics called “Golden Autumn” took place at Eastern Electric Networks, a branch of JSC “MOESK”. The branch’s direction together with trade union committee became the initiators of the event. That day, 270 power engineers from eleven electric grids districts of Eastern Moscow Region met at “Avangard” stadium in Kolomna. The program of the competition covered nine types of sport and two competitions. They included mini-football, volleyball, track and field athletics (60-meters and 100-meters races, standing long-jump), kettlebell lifting, darts, air rifle, tennis (lawn and table), armrestling, “Who is more accurate” competitions, and tug of war.

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Opening the competition, branch’s Deputy Director for Personnel Management Nina Turpetkina firstly thanked all participants for dedicated and heroic work the branch’s power engineers used to carry out during the summer fires: “It is personal input of everyone that helps to pass through difficulties and encumbrances. You’ve proved while protecting and reestablishing equipment damaged with fire to supply consumers with electric energy as soon as possible. Now, every district of electric grids prove the power of its team spirit at sport competition. In spite of a large number of sportsmen and everyone’s willing to win, the main aim of the competition is unity of our team”.

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At the end of the competition, winners in overall competitions have been determined. Team of Lukhovitsky distribution electric grids (DEG) became an undoubtable winner. The second place was taken by the team of Kolomensky distribution electric grids. Team of Shatursky DEG took the third place of victory podium. The forth place was taken by team of Noginsky DEG which deserted from Shatura team by 2 points. As well, results of the individual competition in two sports have been resumed. Nikolay Tashkin (Shatursky DEG), Nikolay Chernov (Orekhovo-Zuevsky DEG), and Dmitry Kryshkin (Pavlovo-Posadsky DEG) became the winners in kettlebell lifting. Prize places were distributed as follows in armrestling: first taken by Sergey Zhilkin (Lukhovitsky DEG), second taken by Nikolay Zabotkin, and third by Vyacheslav Peshekhonov (Noginsky DEG).

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Nina Turpetkina congratulated all teams from all her heart. She wished participants to have further sport luck and achievements, and awarded winners with certificates and valuable presents.

Due to directors of Eastern Electric Networks, implementation of sport events is the best way to strengthen corporate spirit, and promote healthy was of life for personnel of the Company.