
Due to results of repair campaign, Central Electric Networks has implemented repair of 541 shifters with 6-10 kV capacity over eight months with 513 switches planned. Thus, overfulfillment of the plan equals 5.5%.

Alongside with it, plan on clearance of cross-cuts has been completely fulfilled over the repair campaign. Area of 23.03 hectare has been cleared. High-voltage electric energy transmission lines with the length of 42.9 km have been repaired, and 3711 isolators have been replaced.

During the complex repair at substations, 29 power transformers have been repaired. Planned repair of dispatch equipment means of relay protection and automation has been carried out.

As Deputy Senior of the Service for Repair Organization of Central Electric Networks of JSC “MOESK” Vadim Veitsman pointed out, “More than RUR 376.9 million has been directed to CEN for the repair campaign over eight months of 2010. Among them, works for the sum of more than RUR 75.4 million were carried out using own resources and works for more than RUR 301.5 million under contracting agreements. During the repair at the branch, modern high technology equipment has been actively used. It allows for provision of maximum high-quality rendering of services to electric energy consumers over the autumn and winter period”.