
Within the boundaries of preparation of equipment for maximum loading during the 2010-2011 autumn and winter period, Southern Electric Networks, a branch of JSC “MOESK” have been carried out planned repair and prevention works in accordance with the schedule. Thus, as of September the 1st of the current year, repair service of main assets equals about RUR 252 million which meets the plan.

Implementation of repair program is one of the most important directions in operation of power engineers on technical service of energy objects and maintenance of their workability. Under preparation to the autumn and winter period, special attention shall be paid to technical state of equipment at substations. Starting from beginning of the year, 22 35-220 kV power transformers have been repaired, 837 support stick insulators and disconnect devices have been replaced, 270 6-220 kV oil switchers have been repaired. The implemented measures will allow for increase in reliability and safety of operation of 110-220 kV substations’ energy equipment.

During the repair campaign over eight months, replace of 2347 isolators at 0.4-6-10 kV air lines has been carried out, and about 30 km of cable has been repaired. In accordance with the plan, repair of relay protection means and automation, dispatch and technology control points, and transport and special vehicles, production and administrative buildings has been carried out.

Within the boundaries of preparation for the 2010-2011 autumn and winter period, the SCN branch actively implement works on cleaning of overhead power transmission lines from bushes and wood scrubs. Currently, cleaning of 204 hectare of cross-cuts under electric energy transmission lines has been carried out due to the schedule.

According to Acting Director of SEN Vadim Shomesov, “All events carried out under the 2010 repair campaign, are aimed at implementation of reliable and high-quality electric energy supply of consumers living at South of the Moscow Region over the coming autumn and winter maximum loading”.