
Today on September the 29th, 2010, demonstration of complex team staff training on elimination of consequences of technological damages at electric energy objects of the Moscow Region were implemented. The training took place at Mytiscshinsky distribution electric energy grids of the Northern Electric Networks, a branch of JSC “MOESK”.

During the training, interaction of state authorities bodies, local authorities of Moscow Region municipal entities, and subjects of electric energy industry on liquidation of technological damages at electric energy objects were organized.


In accordance to conditions of the training, a scenario included disconnection of “Dolgoprudnaya” 420 substation due to automatic turn-off of Khlebnikovo-Dolgoprudnaya, Dolgoprudnaya-Sheremetievo, Khlebnikovo-Lugovaya, and Khlebnikovo-Dolgoprudnaya 110 kV lines. It happened because of trees fallen at electric energy transmission lines. Accident disconnection of feeders at “Vodniki” 99 substation with fire at transformer took place as well. Having come to the place of accident at “Dolgoprudnaya” 420 substation, the team found an item looking like an explosive.

Emergency operation center was headed by Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region Dmitry Bolshakov. Anatoliy Chegodaev, the Deputy General Director – Technical Director of JSC “MOESK”, Tsyren-dorzhy Tsagadaev, the Director for Fuel and Energy Committee of the Moscow Region, director of electric and heating energy companies, “Mosoblgaz”, EMERCOM, FSS of Russia, and Ministry of Internal Affairs also participated in operation of the center.

Over the training, operation of dispatch and operative personnel with determination of data has been demonstrated.


Due to Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region Dmitry Bolshakov, well coordinated work of all services was demonstrated, and power engineers are well prepared for accidents. As Anatoliy Chegodaev, the Technical Director of JSC “MOESK” noted, the aim of the training was achieved. Order of activities to carry out by personnel of Joint-Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” on elimination of consequences of technological failures at electric energy objects was worked out. During such trainings, level of professional skills of personnel working at state bodies was improved. It was the same for personnel of law-enforcement agencies, rescue teams of Emergency Ministry of Russia for Moscow Region, State Enterprise, and other organizations working on elimination of consequences of technological failures at electric energy objects. 

Power engineers of JSC “MOESK” who had sparkled during liquidation of technological damages after hurricanes at the end of May and beginning of June were awarded as well. Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region Dmitry Bolshakov awarded ten employers of the Moscow United Electric Grid Company with “Thank You” badge of honor and certificate in the name of Governor Boris Gromov.