
On September the 30th, a seminar “Kind Electricity” for teachers of the Moscow Region took place at Municipal Education Entity “Dergaevskaya” General Education School No.23 at Ramenskoe town. It included demonstration lessons on the topic of children electric current traumatism prevention. The seminar was devoted to completing of a traditional event of Joint-Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” called “Kind Electricity – Safe Holidays”. The event was approved by B.P.Gromov, the Governor of the Moscow Region, and took place from May till September 2010.


The following persons participated in the event: Deputy Minister for Education of the Administration of the Moscow Region A.V.Shmagina; Deputy General Director for Personnel Management of JSC “MOESK” N.A.Kreneva; representatives of “Moscow Region Women Council” public organization, deputy directors on safety of municipal bodies for education management, and others.


In her speech, Nadezhda Kremeva noted: “Within the boundaries of “Kind Electricity – Safe Holidays”, great work has been implemented this year. Personnel of MOESK have organized lessons as least in 200 education entities for children and summer health camps in the Moscow Region. About 10,000 children have attended the classes”. Nadezhda Anatolievna told that pupils of initial classes were given magnet pictures, pendants, schedules and other school supplies with electric energy safety rules on it. Lessons with usage of visual materials and explanation of rude violations in buffer zones have been implemented for children of secondary school age. Besides, they had training on rendering of first aid for injured in electric accident. Moreover, cartoons on the issue of how to use electric current have been made and rendered to school at electronic devices. Attention was put at coverage of the topic in mass media. Deputy General Director of the Company thanked Governor Boris Gromov for support of such an important event. They expressed their confidence that the event would continue as prevention of children electric energy traumatism required for permanent attention and serious work.


Deputy Minister for Education of the Moscow Region Administration Alexandra Shmagina pointed out that events on prevention on children electric traumatism were implemented after summer holidays till end of September due to high importance. It was the period of “safety month” in schools located in the Moscow Region. “Over these four months, about 3 thousand different lessons for children devoted to electric safety have been organized. They included lessons, lections, discussions and classes”, told Alexandra Vladimirovna. She also supported the idea of further continuation of the event.


The seminar included a wide program. It contained an open lesson on topic “First aid in case of electric current injury”, performance of children from “Kind Electricity” theatre studio, “220 V” school agitation team, and resuming of results of the event “Kind Electricity – Safe Holidays”.

Due to results of the event, five most creative and active teahcers’ teams of the Moscow Region were awarded with certificates and valuable prizes from JSC “MOESK”.


In addition, memorable certificated from the Ministry for Education of the Moscow Region were given to the following five employees of MOESK having sparkled over the event: Y.Y.Chernyshova, the Inspector for Labor Protection of Southern Electric Networks; M.P.Shvakin, the Senior Inspector for Labor Protection of Eastern Electric Networks; L.S.Kovaleva, the Director of the Department for Personnel Labor and Health Protection of Western Electric Networks; Y.Y.Biryukov, the Director of the Department for Personnel Labor and Health Protection of Northern Electric Networks; and P.R.Bukharov, the Director of the Department for Management of Professional Safety and Protection of Personnel Health of JSC “MOESK”.