
On September 2, 2010 they carried out the ordinary meeting of the JSC “MOESK” Board of Directors in person and in absentia form with the following agenda:

1. On consideration of the Company’s General Director Report on implementation of the decisions taken at the meetings of JSC “MOESK” Board of Directors.
2. On consideration of the Report on the credit policy of JSC “MOESK” over the 2 quarter of 2010.
3. On consideration of the Report on the results of implementation of the Annual complex program of the contest and ordinary purchases of JSC “MOESK” over 2009.
4. On discussion of the Order of the correction of the Annual complex program of the contest and ordinary purchases of JSC “MOESK”.
5. On consideration of the Report of implementation of the target values of the key productivity indices (KPI) of JSC “MOESK” over the 1 quarter of 2010.
6. On approval of the Program of the non-state pension provision of JSC “MOESK” workers over 2010.
7. On consideration of the list of the determination indices of JSC “MOESK” productivity .
8. On approval of JSC “MOESK” Dividend policy regulation.
9. On approval of JSC “MOESK” Executive body organization structure.
10. On approval of the list of positions, which candidates coordination is the competence of JSC “MOESK” Board of Directors .

Positive decisions were taken regarding all the agenda issues.

The special attention was taken to the Company’s Dividend policy regulation, which was approved by the Board of Directors within the goal of support of the Company’s interests and that of its shareholders, increase of the Company’s investment attractiveness and growth of its market capitalization.

JSC “MOESK” Dividend policy regulation was developed in accordance with the current RF legislation and JSC “MOESK” Charter .

JSC “MOESK” Dividend policy regulation is placed at the internet site of the Company.

Board of Directors also approved the Report on the Company’s credit policy over the 2 quarter of 2010. Company’s debt position as of June 30, 2010 corresponds to all the target limits. The Company belongs to “A” creditability group, which is the evidence of its financial stability.

Within the framework of the detailed assessment of JSC “MOESK” activity from the point of view of the financial and economic indices the Board of Directors approved the list of the productivity determination indices at the carried out meeting.