
On September 9, the team of the Moscow United Electric Grid Company participated at the second stage of All-Russian Competitions devoted to Release of Injured from Metal Bearing Construction Traverse without Use of Special Tools (Work with Loaded Mannequin). Rendering of the first aid to the injured.


It shall be mentioned that two sub-stages were passed through by our brigade ahead of the normative time, gaining the additional bonus points. Moscow Power Engineers spend 2 minutes 39 seconds for the first sub-stage (the normative time is 4 minutes), for the second one – 4 minutes 24 seconds (control time is 6 minutes). According to the results of performance, MOESK representatives gained 229 points together with the maximum possible 200 at the given stage. At present it is the best result among the eleven teams’ participants at stage No.2.


According to Natalia Shatolova, Deputy Director of JSC “MOESK” Technical Inspection Department, and Stage 2 Judge, said that the team did their best, “Taking into consideration the fact that the training site is unknown, the teams come and start working “from the very beginning”- our guys showed good results. At two first sub-stages they gained the bonus points, and at the third, when the emotions calmed down they showed very good results: gave clear and fast solution to situation tasks and made no mistakes. According to JSC “MOESK” representative, “I am satisfied with the performance of our team.”


“Such a successful overcoming of this stage is a result of the targeted and systematic work directed to the personnel training to such a situation, which is carried out in JSC “MOESK”. Company’s power engineers not only acquire the major knowledge and skills, but they constantly improve them. That’s why the performance of the team at that stage looked very well at the general background. Besides, it is clearly seen that the guys do their best,” added Natalia Bubnova, Science Deputy General Director of “Vybor” Central Dispatch Unit.

Thus, according to the results of five stages passing Moscow Region Engineers gained over 819 points over four days of competition.


On September 10, JSC “MOESK” will have to pass the final stage of competition called “Connection of the wire circuit of the anchoring metal bearing construction”. At the second part of the day the solemn ceremony of power tournament closing will take place where they also will announce the winners.

If you want to find more detailed information please visit: http://www.energoturnir2010.ru