
On September 6, in Penza, at the training site premises of “Penzaenergo” branch of JSC “IDGC of Volga” Penza industrial subdivision, they will carry out the opening of All-Russian competitions on the professional training of the teams servicing the high voltage power transmission lines of JSC “IDGC Holding”. 12 teams - the representatives of sister companies of JSC Holding - will take part in the competitions.

Two days prior to the opening of the competitions were very special for all the participants, including the team of Moscow United Electric Grid Company. They went through the introductory instructions where they were reminded of labor and power safety rules.

Further, according to the made up schedule, the teams could get acquainted with all six stages of the competitions, listened to the judges’ comments and asked their questions. MOESK representatives carefully checked up the equipment using which they will show their skills.

Also, all the necessary Company’s documents were directed to the mandatory commission. Both the documents and the skills of the participants meet the correspondent requirements according to the committee.

Before the opening of the competitions, in the evening of September 5, they carried out the meeting of the Chief Judgments Committee of the organized committee of the major stages judges and the teams’ heads during which they carried out the drawing. All the teams got their numbers. The number of JSC “MOESK” is 9, beginning with the stage called “Foreign subject taking off (surge) from 110 kV overhead line wires with the use of the load lifting mechanism”.

According to Viktor Ivanovich, Head of the Team, “Penza colleagues training site is well prepared for the competitions and meet all the current standards”. As well, our team is going to show the high results which make us confident about the good results of performance”.