
High Voltage Cable Grids (HVCG) is the branch of Joint-Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”. It possesses the right to acquire the certificate of readiness to work during the autumn and winter season of 2010/2011 years. Such a conclusion was made by the commission which carried out the check up of the branch readiness to work during the autumn and winter loads maximum. 
The committee worked in HVCG from September 13 to September 17.The special attention was paid to the equipment operation readiness, as well as branch buildings and constructions readiness to work in conditions of the low temperatures, and personnel and equipment readiness to provide the failure free power supply of the consumers. The notes of the commission were eliminated during the process of its work. 

The commission approved the High Voltage Cable Grids’ implementation of the additional readiness conditions necessary for autumn and winter period work and suggested by the “Regulation on check up of readiness of the electric power objects work during the autumn and winter period” (approved by order No. 61 of the Ministry of Energy of Russia as of September 3, 2008). The result of the commission work was the signing of the correspondent act, approving the readiness of HVCG to work in conditions of the autumn and winter period of 2010-2011. 

The commission consisted of the representatives of JSC “MOESK” and Rostekhnadzor. The Committee Chairman was Nikolay Barybin, Head of JSC “MOESK” High Voltage Cable Grids Department.

“High Voltage Cable Grids are ready to go through 2010/2011 autumn and winter period. They began the preparation right after the completion of the previous season,” said Vladimir Burtovoy HVCG Chief Engineer. “According to the schedule, they carried out the planned repairs of the main and the supporting equipment as well as create the “survival pack” - the stable amount of materials and spare parts for cable lines of 110-220 kV. During the preparation to autumn and winter period they paid special attention to the issues of readiness and operation in conditions of low temperatures of not only the equipment, but buildings and constructions of the branch, transport means and special machinery”.

We shall mention that High Voltage Cable Grids provide the reliable power supply of the consumers in the territory of the Moscow and the closest Moscow Region. HVCG zone of responsibility accounts for more than 280 high voltage cable lines of 110-500 kV of 863 km total length and 1125 cable constructions. Cable and areal cable lines of HVCG connect 150 feeding centers.