
Western Electric Grids (WEG) branch of JSC “MOESK” carried out the two-day seminar-training called “Business processes development and optimization”. Among the participants were the heads of 25 structural subdivisions of WEG. Its organizer was the Administration of quality management and Company’s power productivity. Yulia Kudimova, Deputy Head carried out the seminar. 

During the event the participants were divided into teams, each of which was offered to develop their business-process, carry out the analysis and determine the “black holes” (the part of the process consuming the excessive resources in comparison with the achieved results), “hot points” (assess the process form the point of view of necessity and consumer), find the optimal approach to the solution of a problem. The task helped the power engineers see that the work of each enterprise, service and department represents the system of successive, targeted and regulated types of activity (operations). The detailed analysis helps the management and the personnel of the enterprise to have a new look at the activity of subdivisions and determine the “pain” points and find the approaches to the business processes improvement.

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According to the results of the seminar-training, they chose the best team, which carried out its tasks most effectively, as well as successfully delivered the presentation and defense of its business process. According to Alexander Serezhin, Head of WEG distribution grids department, the participant of the team-winner , “Optimization of our activity helps to get the manageable process, where one can clearly see the essence of each operation, responsibility, fulfillment time, incoming and outcoming information ”.