
High-voltage cable networks (HVCN) have become the first branch of Joint-Stock Company "Moscow United Electric Grid Company", which got the main document for power engineers – a Certificate of readiness for operation in the autumn and winter period (AWP).

Receipt of the Certificate of readiness has become the result of a great and hard work. Scheduled repairs of the primary equipment and auxiliary equipment have been performed. Scope of the annual repair program in the branch is RUR 154 million. An emergency reserve has been formed – irreducible quantity of materials and spare parts for cable lines with voltage 110 – 220 kV. During preparation for the AWP the attention has been paid to the issues of operation readiness under low temperatures not only of the equipment but buildings and constructions of the branch, transport and special machines.

For successful passing of the autumn and winter period the key role is given not only to the equipment condition, but to the qualification of the personnel, ability to work accurately and consistently as well. For this purpose a broad range of measures on increasing qualification of the operation and maintenance personnel of HVCN was carried out in 2010.

Readiness for winter has been estimated by the committee on control of the branch for the operation in the conditions of the autumn and winter peak loads. The committee has been working in the HVCN since September 13 till September 17 of the current year. Signing of the corresponding act has become the result of the Committee operation.

In a solemn environment Andrey Konovalov, the Director General of JSC "Moscow United Electric Grid Company", presented to Eduard Podadaev, the Director of the High-voltage cable networks the Certificate of readiness –the most important document, which confirms duly and qualitative carrying out of the range of measures for successful passing of peak loads in 2010-2011 by the branch.

“Today’s event is very important. Winterization – is a sacred duly of power engineers. High-voltage cable networks have performed this important work worthily, quietly, without ruffle or excitement. Your branch has a rich history, solid economic base, significant human resources. And you justly approached this event among the leaders”, - the Director General of MOESK applied to the leaders and specialists of the branch. 


Receipt of the Certificate of readiness for operation in the period of peak loads – is the result of the team work, directed to providing of qualitative and uninterrupted power supply of the consumers.

High-voltage cable networks provide reliable power supply of the consumers in the territory of Moscow and Moscow vicinity. There are more than 280 high-voltage cable power lines 110-500 kV of total length 863 km, 1125 cable structures in the area of responsibility of high-voltage cable networks. More than 150 feeding centers are connected by cable and aerial cable lines of High-voltage Cable Networks.