
Power engineers of the Moscow United Electric Grid Company have performed the program on transition of 29 cable lines from substation “Bobrovo” to substation 220/110/20/10 kV “Butovo”, situated in southwestern Moscow. Capital investments in the reconstruction of the whole facility exceed three billion rubles. 
Mihail Berdnikovich, the Head of the South-western district high-voltage electric networks (DHVEN) of the Central Electric Networks mentioned: “During transition of load the necessary ground and installation works have been performed. Cables, feeding the consumers from substation “Bobrovo” are transferred to the distributor gear 10 kV of substation “Butovo”.

We should remind that during the reconstruction of the substation two transformers with power 259 MVA and four boosting transformers - each 63 MVA are mounted and put into operation in a new large room. Distribution of electric energy with voltage 220 and 110 kV is performed by means of gas insulated switch gear (SF6 insulated switchgear). To prevent short circuit step-up until values, dangerous for the equipment, 18 current limiter reactors are set. Four sections of the switch gear and control gear 10kV are put into operation on a normal scheme, as well as direct current boards and auxiliaries boards, installation of relay island and fire fighting pump system are performed.

Works on the second start-up complex, including transfer to supply voltage - 20 kV are planned to be finished until the end of 2014.

The Construction management department of JSC “MOESK” performs work control by the contractor.

Substation “Butovo” performs electric energy supply to the districts: Yuzhnoe Butovo, Severnoe Butovo and Shcherbinka. As of today substation “Butovo” powers residential quarters in the south-western of Moscow, but its outdated equipment manage growing needs in electric energy of Southwest administrative district of Moscow with difficulty. After commissioning of a new feeding center, substation “Bobrovo” will be dismounted. 

Building of substation 220/110/20/10 kV “Butovo” is performed in accordance with the investment program of JSC “MOESK” within the limits of the agreement between the power engineers and the Moscow Government for improving of energy supply reliability of the consumers of the capital.