
The territory of several municipal entities of the Moscow Area experienced blackout of power lines and transformer substations due to heavy snowfalls and strong wind gust (up to 18 km/s). A number of settlements remained without light.

The emergency mode was introduced under the order by B.V. Gromov, Governor of the Moscow Area in the Volokolamsky, Voskresensky, Dmitrovsky, Egoryevsky, Istrinsky, Leninsky, Mozhaisky, Naro-Fominsky, Noginsky, Odintsovsvky, Orekhovo-Zuevsky, Pavlovo-Posadsky, Podolsky, Ramensky, Ruzsky, Solnechnogorsky, Shatursky, Shakhovskoy, Shchelkovsky municipal districts, city districts of Domodedovo, Reutov, Roshal, and Khimki.

Now the maximum number of emergency elimination brigades work in the area. The power specialists do their best to eliminate the damages at electricity supply facilities. Eighty-eight brigades represented by 270 people and 60 units of special equipment are going to work during the night of 2 – 3 January.

The emergency response team of Moscow United Electric Grid Company supervises the course of emergency elimination works and controls the developed situation. Information on all cases of blackout in the Moscow electric grid infrastructure is transmitted to the regional emergency response team. Temporary information centers (TICs) are created in each electric grid district (EGDs, which correspond to the municipal districts of the area) of MOESK in order to expand information awareness of the population about the course of emergency elimination works.