
Northern Electric Networks, a branch of JSC “MOESK” has resulted performance in the field of technical connections in 2010.

Last year, 11,293 applications for capacity receiving have come to the branch’s client office. Agreements on technical connection have been conducted regarding 9,686 applications. Analysis of resulting figures showed a stable growing trend in number of technical connections at Northern Moscow Region. Specifically, amount of applications on capacity receipting increased by 60% more than in 2008. Increase in number of similar receipts equaled 40% compared with 2009.

The existing trend is reasoned by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No.334 of 21 April 2009 having come into force (on privilege tariff for technical connection).

In 2010, share of privilege applicants made up about 97% from total number of persons having appealed to Northern Electric Networks to receive capacity.

Due to results of the completed year, northern branch of JSC “MOESK” performed 3,406 agreements on technical connection for total capacity of 79,678 kWt.