
According to the strategic guidelines of the management of Moscow United Electric Grid Company, the next five-day practical session of training in the Company industrial activity improvement has been held. This time the reference site located at the industrial base in Khlebnikovo of Mytishchinsky EGD (electric grid district) of Northern Electric Grids has become the platform of the action.

Based on the example of the practical stage held earlier in the Dmitrovsky Electric Grid District, the training was divided into several logic parts:

- explanation of the concept of the 5S method, definition of workplaces, industrial premises, which should be covered by the 5S standards, distribution of tasks between the seminar participants;

- day, on which workplaces and industrial premises are put in order; preparation of plans of industrial premises with particular proposals in respect of technological processes improvement;

- introduction;

- implementation of the proposals presented in developed schemes;

- summarizing of the action.

The management of Northern Electric Grids – a branch of JSC “MOESK” estimates the practice of holding practical training directly at the industrial bases of EGDs positively. The accumulated experience is immediately is broadcast to all adjacent industrial divisions and accepted for implementation in daily work of specialists and managers of all levels.