
On 10 December 2010, the revolutionary measures were taken in respect of restoration of electric power supply for consumers in the Koshkinsky District of the Samara Area. The repair and recovery potential of Samara Distribution Grids – the branch of IDGC of Volga, JSC was essentially increased owing to participation of specialists from JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” (JSC “MOESK”).


The management of IDGC Holding, OJSC has for the first time made a decision on transfer of such number of emergency repairing brigades (8 brigades of 39 people) to the problem region from Moscow company JSC “MOESK”.
The Muscovites have worked productively providing proper quality of works, when they restored electric power supply of Novokarmalinsky energy unit in the Koshkinsky District. For today they have examined more than 30 km of 110 kV overhead power lines (OL), installed 3 supports of 110 kV OL, filed off more than 100 trees which fell upon the wires, restored 3 km of broken wires in total.


As a result of the work done, electricity supply of the settlement Yureevo (more than 500 inhabitants) of the rural settlement Novaya Karmala has been restored. The actions of emergency recovery brigades received high appreciation from Evgeny Madyanov, head of the rural settlement Novaya Karmala, and Victor Titov, head of the municipal formation Koshkinsky District.
As a whole, “Aleksandrovka-Sadovaya” 110 kV OL was put into operation, 110 kV “Alexandrovskaya” and “N.Cheremshanskaya” substations (S) and “N.Cheremshanskaya” 110 kV OL were fed by 8:00 p.m. owing to the joint efforts of the electric grid companies of IDGC Holding. The like-named S and OL of 110 kV “Novaya Karmala” were commissioned. All socially-significant facilities of the area are provided with electricity at the expense of the reserve substations and diesel generators.

Courage and heroism are typical of grid specialists 

Round-the-clock emergency recovery works are also held at the transformer substations and power lines of 0.4 kV. In total, the Koshkinsky District involved 31 emergency recovery brigades with the aggregate number of people of nearby 240 (electricians, assemblers, specialists for high-voltage lines maintenance), 57 units of special equipment.
Despite the large volume of the work done (the quantity of the disconnected consumers since 6 December has been reduced more than twice, there is no any disconnected S 35 kV and any idle OL of 110 kV), the situation in the Koshkinsky District is still complicated: 4,985 consumers in more than 30 settlements remain without electricity. Storm alert is declared in the north of the area because of preservation of ice (20 mm and more) and wind gusts of up to 15-20 km/s.


In spite of adverse weather conditions, on 11 December of the current year the emergency recovery brigades of IDGC Holding will continue assistance to the Ulyanovsk Area in restoration of electricity supply. The emergency group of JSC “MOESK” will concentrate efforts on liquidation of the elements in the rural settlement Maximovo with the population of more than two thousand people.