
The emergency brigades of the electric grid companies of IDGC Holding, OJSC worked round the clock to eliminate the consequences of the system failure, which caused interruption of electric power supply for consumers in the territory of the Ulyanovsk and Samara Areas as a result of the natural phenomenon, which is abnormal for these regions - sleet accompanied by stormy squally wind and wet snow.

The specialists of JSC “MOESK” eliminated the consequences of the elements in the Koshkinsky EGD (electric grid district) of the Samara Distribution Grids of IDGC of Volga, JSC. Let us remind that as a result of the work done by the Muscovites, electric power supply of Yureevo settlement (more than 500 inhabitants) of the rural settlement Novaya Karmala was restored.

During the last days of the business trip, the emergency group of JSC “MOESK” concentrated its efforts on elimination of the consequences of the elements in the rural settlements Maximovo with the population of more than two thousand people.

The actions performed by the emergency recovery brigades of JSC “MOESK” received high appreciation from the local administration.

Six 6-10 kV OL, one 110 kV OL (Alexandrovka-Sadovaya) and 81 6-10 kV TS have been connected in the Koshkinsky District of the Samara Area since the morning of 11 December to 5.00 p.m. of 12 December of the current year.


The emergency recovery works in the area of the failure were held round-the-clock. The brigades of IDGC of South and IDGC of Volga Region took part in them besides the specialists of IDGC of Volga and JSC “MOESK”. In total 58 brigades (424 people) and 151 units of special equipment were involved in restoration of electric power supply in the territory of the Ulyanovsk Area, 37 brigades of 230 people and 65 units of special equipment were involved in the Samara Area.

Close and constructive cooperation with the administrations of the regions, regional managements of the EMERCOM and road services was ensured. The activity in respect of restoration of electric power supply was coordinated by the emergency headquarters created in IDGC Holding, OJSC.