
Today, on the Power Specialist Day, the participants of liquidation of the consequences of the elements have been honored in the Ulyanovsk and Samara Areas.

Taking part in the emergency recovery works were awarded the Certificates of Honor of IDGC Holding, OJSC, letters of gratitude of General Director of IDGC Holding, OJSC and valuable gifts.


Andrey Konovalov, General Director of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” was awarded the medal “For Development of the Distribution Grid Complex” for arrangement of the actions related with liquidation of the consequences of the abnormal weather conditions.

The management of IDGC Holding thanked the participants of the liquidation of the consequences of the elements for the dedicated service and noted that the courage and professionalism proved the following: the reliable distribution grid complex exists in Russia.

Recollecting the liquidation of the consequences of the elements, Yury Zhukov, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of IDGC Holding noted that “it was work in form and feat in content”.


Andrey Konovalov, General Director of JSC “MOESK” congratulated the gathered people on the Power Specialist Day and noted that the company management was completely sure of the employees after such durability test. “Such work deserves the highest appreciation”, Andrey Konovalov emphasized.

Let us remind that 8 emergency recovery brigades were generated based on the membership of the MOESK emergency group, which took part in liquidation of the consequences of the elements. They were charged with the task to restore 10 and 0.4 kV power lines from three 110/10 kV feeders of “Novaya Karmala” substation. The total length of 10 kV overhead lines was 50 km. The brigades performed examination, survey and defects identification of the lines, carried out replacement of damaged supports of PL, insulators, wires and cross arms, held filing of felled trees and ice-covered tree branches hanging above wires.


As a result of the performed work, electric power supply of the settlement Yureevo (more than 500 inhabitants) in the rural settlement Novaya Karmala was renewed by the end of the first day of the works. The actions of emergency recovery brigades of JSC “MOESK” received high appreciation from Evgeny Madyanov, head of the rural settlement Novaya Karmala, and Victor Titov, head of the municipal formation Koshkinsky District. They were in the field headquarters of our emergency group in the area of “Novaya Karmala” substation during the moment of supplying voltage to consumers of the village Yureevo.

During the next days, the emergency group of JSC “MOESK” concentrated efforts to liquidate the consequences of the elements in the rural settlement Maximkino with the population of more than 2 thousand people. The situation here, to put it mildly, was not easy. Suffice it to say that 57 supports of OL 10 kV had to be installed at the power line supplying the housing estates of the rural settlement and 7.5 km of broken wires had to be restored.