
On 22 December, the official action took place in the concert hall “Crocus City Hall”, which was devoted to the 5th anniversary of Moscow United Electric Grid Company and Power Specialist Day.

The honored guests from the Moscow Government, Moscow Area, IDGC Holding, Moscow City and Moscow Regional Dumas, etc., came to congratulate the Company power specialists on the great holiday.

MOESK’s Hymn delivered by Lev Leshchenko, people’s actor of Russia 

The official evening party was opened by Andrey Konovalov, General Director of JSC “MOESK”. He congratulated the power specialists and expressed gratitude for their greatest dedication in provision of uninterrupted electricity supply for consumers, daily careful work aimed at development of the power sector. In honor of Power Specialist Day and anniversary of the Company, Andrey Pavlovich awarded two large families of the Saltykovs (17 children) and Chistyakovs (8 children), the parents of which are the employees of MOESK, gift certificates for purchase of minibuses.

In his welcoming address to the team of MOESK, Petr Biryukov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow noted the huge role of the Company in construction of the electricity supply system of the capital, its repeatedly increased quality and reliability. He expressed confidence that the Company will make a big contribution to building of the energy efficiency of the economy of the Moscow Region. Besides, Petr Pavlovich awarded the certificates of honor of the Fuel and Energy Department of the Moscow Government to five employees of MOESK.

Dmitry Kondratyev, Russian cosmonaut, captain of ISS (International Space Station) congratulated the power specialists on behalf of the participants of the 26th long expedition to the orbit 

Dmitry Bolshakov, Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Area Government, addressing the gathered in the hall, emphasized the merits of the power specialists in development of the electric grid complex of the Moscow Area. “Not only reliable, but also quick work of the personnel has become the visiting card of MOESK. When emergencies occur, electricity supply is restored in the shortest time, and the inhabitants of the area are again provided with light and warmth. Thank you very much for this!”, he said. Dmitry Alexandrovich also awarded four power specialists of the Company with honorable awards of the Moscow Area Governor.

Boris Mekhanoshin, Deputy General Director - Technical Director of IDGC Holding, OJSC addressed the power specialists with warm words of gratitude. He fairly noted that the glory about the professionalism of the MOESK employees has gone far beyond the limits of the Moscow Region. One more confirmation of this has become the dedicated work of the Company brigades restoring electricity supply in the Samara and Ulyanovsk Areas. Then Mekhanoshin presented the certificates of assigning the honorary title “Veteran of the Distribution Grid Complex” to three employees of the Company.

Nikolay Rastorguev, people’s actor of Russia congratulated Andrey Konovalov, General Director of JSC “MOESK” on the anniversary of the Company 

The congratulatory addresses from Chairmen of the Moscow City and Moscow Regional Dumas were read out from the stage by the deputies of these parliaments Stepan Orlov and Alexey Zvyagin. They noted the significant successes of the Company made for the past five-year period, and wished it the further development.

The congratulation of power specialists by the cosmonauts of the International Space Station directly from the space became the surprising and moving gift. It is remarkable that the abbreviation of the piloted object (in Russian) is identical to the name of one of the Company branches - Moscow Cable Grids. The sincere words of greeting from one entity to the other arose the storm of applause in the hall!

Alexander Malinin has sung his best songs 

The hymn of MOESK delivered by Lev Leshchenko, people’s actor of Russia and the Academic Ensemble of Song and Dancing of the Russian Army named after A.V. Alexandrov awarded with the Order of Red Banner twice sounded with the same effect and solemnity, which was recorded specially for the holiday.

The anniversary action was ended with the celebratory concert with participation of the leading actors of the national stage.